Saturday, December 1, 2012

Break Down an Audio Interview Into Segments

How can you break down your audio into segments that can be used as an audio?  I have on my audio clips a page, like once you're into my site where I have all the listings of all the audios. I have this 45 minute audio recording which is nothing but clips from all my interviews. I learned this when I would edit my own interviews so I would listen to the interview and if I'm listening to something I'm say or if I'm listening to something the expert is saying and he says it with passion and emotion and your ears perk up. Like if you are sitting in a restaurant and you're listening to back chatter and you hear someone say something that captures your attention and you kind of pay attention a little closer.

There are points in an interview where something really powerful will be said and you can look for those points in an interview and edit them out and use that in a promotion. So all my interviews a lot of them start with a commercial like that, just like in a movie that key high point of the interview and then I have a little music right after, like the signature music. That is just the way I've done it ever since the beginning and I think it's good and kind of adds excitement at the very beginning of the interview and that's how you do it. Just listen for something.

Just like when you are looking for a headline for a sales letter and let's say you're listening to an audio interview for stuff that you're going to use for the content of your sales letter. Your prospect will write the headline for you many times. So that headline is similar to a promotional piece that you could use to promote the interview.

You can break it up and have 5 or 10 of those pieces all through the interview and string them all together. That is how you do it.

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Should I Give My Interviews Away For Free Or Should I Sell Them?

My motto which I have found to be very effective is to just give the information away for free.

If you go to my web site you'll see over 150 hours of audio interviews on business experts, marketing experts and copy writing experts, for FREE.

Many times people say that I'm crazy. They ask "why are you giving this information away for free?"

In the internet world and the advertising world you're fighting for mind share.

Giving information away for free works. People like free stuff, as long as it's good quality free stuff and there is value in it.

My strategy is to build credibility by giving first.

If I can give away a very high-end quality interview, that provides answers to my listeners on a subject, I have positioned myself number one as an interview expert, who's honest and providing value, where others in my field, may be charging thousands of dollars for the same information.

I'm giving it away for free and I have a chance to be listened to and to build a relationship with the listener.

So, by giving it away for free, you get all those benefits. Once you have a relationship with your listeners, you have an opportunity to sell them something. But the trust must come first.

Remember, you are fighting for time with your prospect. And if you are competing with a competitor that is charging for the same or lesser quality information and you are offering it for free, you will win every time.

Try it. It works.

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Online Audio Advertising - The Top 2 Reasons to Use Audio Marketing For Your Internet Business!

Online audio advertising is a very popular internet marketing technique that many in the online and home based business industries are hearing about, but is it really effective? Yes, it absolutely is! The most successful websites that you see anywhere you look on the internet will all usually have some form of audio advertising somewhere on their pages.

Here are the Top 2 Reasons that Online Audio Advertising is a Smart and Effective Marketing Tool:

1- Establish Trust and Relationship with Customers: Incorporating audio into your online marketing campaigns helps the visitors to your websites feel more comfortable with you and your business, especially when it is of yourself talking. By hearing your voice they will get to know you as a person and become more comfortable with you and your personality and then feel more inclined to look further into your business opportunity or products that you are marketing.

2- High conversion rates: Online audio advertising has a very high success rate for not only building and establishing trust and recognition with the visitors to your websites, but even more importantly, converting those listeners and visitors to either buyers and/or new team members for your company!


Online audio advertising is a great, proven and highly effective way to improve and build upon your existing online business. Studies from both split testing and website analytics have shown Internet Marketers all over the world, that adding audio advertising to your online marketing efforts is definitely a technique that can improve your marketing efforts, online business, sales and ultimate success!

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Build Your Business Online - Is it the Tools Or Your Website Causing the Problem?

You've decided you want to add audio to your website to improve the visitor's experience. You made your decision because your visitor's experience is important to you plus you realize the better your visitor's experience the better your conversion. Audio is a win-win.

However, when you decided to act on your decision you quickly discover you had more questions than answers. You probably wondered:

How do I create the audio recording? How do I get the recording to play on my website? Is there a way to get an audio recorder on my website so all visitors can listen to the recording without leaving the page?

There are a number of ways to create your recording. You can download free software and use a USB headset to create your recording using your own computer. You can use a phone service including free ones that allow you to call the phone service and make your recording.

Once you make your recording you either have an audio file on your computer or you download your audio file from the recording service. To use the audio file on your website you will want an mp3 file. Some of the phone services provide a wav file instead. When that happens you will need to convert your file to an mp3 file.

Now it's time to connect the audio file to your website. This is the point where many a website owner will encounter some frustration. There are a number of tools you may have used to create your website. Perhaps you have a WordPress website or a Joomla website or some other type of website. Some website platforms are easier than others when it comes to adding an audio player to your website.

When it comes to using your website to build and promote your business I say pick your battles and base your decisions on their financial merit. If you aren't making money from your website at this point I'd wait until the dollars you invest in your website are returned by a factor greater than one. Then if you're having trouble overcoming the technical challenge of figuring out how to add an audio recorder on your website rather than wasting valuable time on it I'd go to a paid service that creates this html code for you so all you have to do is insert the code on your webpage and presto you have an audio player.

Until you get to the point where your website is profitable simply upload your audio file to your website then create a link on the page where you want the audio played to the audio file. When the visitor clicks on the link a new page will open and the default player on the visitor's computer will provide a recorder for the user.

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Marketing Tips For Getting Started With Audio Interviews

When it comes to audio interviews, the best marketing tips and ways to get started in my opinion is to just simply do an interview for fun. I think, like public speaking, a lot of people have the fear of getting up in front of people and speaking in public. Well, I bet a lot of people have that same fear just talking on the phone. I'm pretty comfortable just talking on the phone, so I would tell anyone who is afraid of doing an audio interview by phone, the best thing they could do is just do one. Interview your mother. Interview your brother.

You're going to need some equipment. I would go out and get a digital recorder. You can get one from Radio Shack, or you can go onto eBay. You can go to any electronics store. I got mine from Circuit City, and I'll talk about the type I'm using.

Buy a device that allows you to record digital audio, and then think about if you're in a business or you're in a profession where you have someone that you look up to who is an expert in your industry, just email them and ask them, "Would you be willing to do an interview?" You don't even have to have an ulterior motive. You can just say you're practicing with your new digital recorder, and you'd like to learn some stuff from this expert. Just ask them to do an interview.

I think if you can just do one interview, even if it's for practice, or even if it is something for money and be able to do the interview, be able to record, be able to get the recording off your digital recorder, be able to get it on to your computer, be able to do just a little bit of editing. You don't even have to know how to do the editing, and be able to convert it into an audio. I'll be sharing some tools, some online services that will help you do that, that make it very easy.

So, my advice would be just to do one. That is the best way to get started is to just make some movement. So, anyone who is afraid, just get started. Get it going. Do something. Doing nothing isn't going to do you any good.

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How to Start Internet Radio - The Essentials and Platform

Online audio streaming is the way to go in this day and age - it frees you from the limitations of traditional radio broadcasting. Here's why it's a good idea to start internet radio broadcasting:

1) It does not matter where you are situated in the world. You can reach people in Beijing from as far away as California.

2) The costs of broadcasting over the internet are lesser than traditional radio.

3) You can offer more than audio - text, images, as well as interactivity in the form chat rooms, for example.

4) There are a range of genres available to you, especially with music.


The things you will need to start internet radio broadcasting include: CD player; mixer, assorted recorder/editor; ripper; microphones; dedicated computer with encoder; digital audio card; outboard audio equipment and streaming media server.

Delivering Audio

Here are the steps involved in sharing audio over the internet.

1) With the help of a sound card, the content is provided to an encoding computer which translates it to make it suitable for streaming. The encoder works by compressing the incoming info to make it fit for passing over the internet.

2) The audio is forwarded to a server that uses a high bandwidth connection.

3) The audio is then provided to the player/plug-in by the server. The player converts it into sound.

Audio is delivered online by two methods: streaming and downloading. With streaming, the encoding system makes the audio streamable; the server makes sure that it is available and the player retrieves the file(s). In a live broadcast, both the encoder and streamer are at work at the same time.


Take your time in choosing a platform to start internet radio. There are several things to consider while selecting an audio streaming platform. Here are some things you should keep in mind:

- Number of Stations: The first thing to consider is the number of stations you want to broadcast. This may be an easy thing to do if your are just looking to create a personal station where you share your music with the world. But, it may need more thinking if you are looking to create different types of stations on a tight budget.

- Storage Space: Estimate the amount of storage space you will need.

- File Size: File size is important if you are looking to upload large-sized files. You may have to spend money on getting a plan that enables uploading of large files.

- Streaming Playlist: Do you want to buy a plan that allows playlist streaming?

- Advertising: Think about the opportunity to profit through advertising.

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Downloadable Audio Books Are Growing in Popularity

An ideal way to 'read' books that you wanted to read for a long time, but couldn't find time for, is listening to an audio book, read by a professional narrator who is telling you the story. With this relatively new technology story telling, which has a very long tradition, is increasing in popularity again.

People used to think of audio books as limited special products only for people who either can not or do not want to read themselves - blind and sight impaired people or kids and others not capable of reading. Over the last few years this has changed dramatically. Audio books now are used by millions of ordinary people - listening to them while relaxing in the bedroom, on long train rides and road trips, traveling on an airplane, or even doing housework or gardening.

A vast variety of book titles with audio book versions are now available. Novels, classic children's tales, bestsellers, helpful self-improvement titles, and informative how-tos are just some of the topics and subjects covered by the audio books services. On downloadable and mail order audio book sites, which span an almost endless selection of titles, thousands upon thousands of items are being offered.

Audio books can be purchased in bookstores, borrowed from libraries or purchased and downloaded on the internet. They come in different formats: CD, cassette or as a file (mp3) downloadable to a computer. On the internet you will find audio books stores, rental audio books sites, and membership sites where you can buy audio books.

The enormous advantages of listening to your favorite book instead of reading it, has resulted in a wide and growing popularity of downloadable audio books. Learning is truly made easier and more fun with the help of audio books. While listening to the content of a book you still can perform other activities, and your eyes won't be stressed. It's possible to listen to audio books while doing housework, while traveling to and from work, while relaxing in bed and lots of other situations. You do the absorption and learning from an audio book, while someone else does the reading.

The downloadable type of audio books is the fastest growing segment of format types. Because these books are stored virtually or online, downloadable audio books are the most convenient of them all. The industry has a hard time delivering what consumers demand because audio books demand is growing very rapidly. For customers the growing demand means that prices are coming down because of larger quantities.

You will have a great deal of flexibility after you have downloaded a selected audio book title to your computer. You can transfer your audio files to a wide range of media options to maximize portability with this kind of system.

You will find a variety of services to consider when looking for audio books on the internet. There are membership sites that require a sign-up in order to get access to their products. After joining the membership, you will pay a monthly or annual fee to download audio books or have them mailed to your home. With other suppliers you may just purchase any title you like and download it instantly.

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Website Audio - Talking Product Reviews

Just a few short years ago it wasn't easy to put streaming audio on your web site. In fact, most of the time you needed a special server for the options that were available.

Thanks to Flash allowing a type of streaming audio, that's all changed and putting a streaming MP3 on your web site is now quick and easy. So instead of "how?" the question is, "why?"

While some people put music or messages on their personal web sites for the fun of it, speaking strictly from an ecommerce standpoint, the reason to put audio on your web site is to increase sales or sign-ups.

In test after test, a website with a message you can listen to will beat out a "silent" web site. Some experts think it's because hearing a voice connected to a web site adds credibility -- and the more trust a web site visitor feels, the more likely they are to take the action desired by the merchant.

Maybe you now believe it's easy to put audio on your web site, and you believe it will increase sales and sign-ups, but what about if you don't have your own product? How can you take advantage of a talking web site?

Do you promote someone else's product as an affiliate? Many affiliate programs offer emails and banners to promote their products. And sure, you can use those.

But if there are hundreds or thousands of affiliates for a product, how can you stand out from the crowd if all you're doing is using the same promo materials as everyone else?

One way would be to offer audio reviews of the products.

You don't need pro-quality equipment because it's better if you come across as "the guy (or girl) next door" who just wants to tell you about this cool new widget you found.

And you don't need "internal" knowledge of the product -- all you're doing is letting people know what you like about the product, you're not there to create a comprehensive audio tutorial.

One thing you'll probably want to do in order to create a good quality audio review is to write a script of your review. You don't want it to sound as if you're reading, so be sure and write the way you talk.

If you still sound stilted, just write down a list of "bullet points" you want to cover and wing it. With the list you'll still be able to stay on track -- a rambling stream-of-consciousness is not what you want.

Someone who makes it a priority to create audio reviews of new products could possibly carve out a nice little niche and stand apart from the crowd of "me-too" affiliates.

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"Audio For My Webpage" Tool - Try This Brilliant Solution Now!

"Audio For My Webpage" Tool is definitely becoming one of the most important online marketing tools. It is clear to any web marketer - when you offer something on the web, don't just use plain text. If you want to learn more about it, just follow this special report.


By providing it with music/audio file(s), "Audio For My Webpage" Tool easily converts these files to Web-Format. It is amazingly simple and easy to operate. All you need to do is select the files, then pick a player-style, colors, size, and basically that is it. By the end you get a small code that needs to be embedded onto your desired webpage.

By the way this process creates a 'streaming web audio' files - it means that your visitors don't have to wait to download a large file before playing that file.

Using such technology offers countless benefits; for example: delivering 'talking' newsletters (much easier then typing them) which are far more effective, or enabling us to get ahead of competition with something unique.

Tip to go

Keep in mind one tip while using this technology: rehearse your recordings until you feel you have the best result. Important note: there are many complicated and expensive solutions on the net', begin with the small ones - most probably that you'll find it sufficient for your need.

Bottom line

Using such powerful "Audio For My Webpage" Tool opens up an outstanding opportunity for any online business owner to improve their conversion rates. Have you ever tried communicating with others by using sign language? Isn't it frustrating? Now is the time to take action - it is recommended to watch it in action so you could truly experience the various opportunities that it brings.

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How to Fall in Love With Audio Interviews

I want you to fall in love. In love with recording audio interviews. And I'm going to tell you if you want to make money doing something you love, you should do audio interviews. With Audio Interviews you can package them and sell them.

I'm going to give you a perfect example about how to do this. There's a website called Tunecore and these guys are doing exactly what I'm teaching. I have no idea who they are, but they have all kinds of information products, audio downloads, they interview experts and the gentleman who asked this, he loves musicians, I would say start interviewing musicians. Let's say he interviews ten musicians about their career as a musician. What do you think someone will pay more for?

Those two interviews with those musicians and what they love about their career and what their life is like and how many gigs they play? Or what if you did ten interviews for musicians on how to get a number one song or how to do mastering; how to master your songs. Or how to do marketing or how to publish your digital music. An interview on vinyl, creating vinyl records and selling old LPs. Or mixing your music for the best potential sales on copyright issues.

These are subjects that the business of the music industry, I think, would have a lot more appeal and bring a higher dollar volume than actually the lifestyles of different musicians.

So I would tell him start interviewing experts within the business music industry. It's a huge niche. These guys, I remember looking at what of their seminars because these guys - their niche - is teaching about publishing your digital songs so musicians who create a series of songs it's not really all about albums anymore, it's about that one track, that one hit, and it's about how to market your song.

It was interesting to me because I wanted to learn from music about how to get distribution on an audio interview. It's not music but it's still an audio content and their distribution system would work the same way for me and I've looked at their seminar. They were selling an online training for about $10,000. So I would tell this guy, go to Tunecore, look at what they're doing and model it. Their niche is digital music. Maybe you can model something for maybe vinyl music, LPs. I think albums are getting back in fashion with a lot of the younger kids today.

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Internet Radio and Productivity

Writing long papers for school or having long days at work can make you sluggish and unproductive. The day to day routine can be boring, and in turn slow you down. Listening to music, however, can make your more productive and can perk you up with a little more energy. There are debates about whether classical music makes you smarter or not. Listening to a certain type of music ranges from person to person. Maybe pop music makes you smarter because you make up songs about what you are studying. Music choices are very personal. One thing that is true is that listening to music, for some people, can make you more productive.

Studies have shown that listening to music can make you more productive, especially at work. Most workers who listen to music get their work done faster and are happier to be at work. Depending on where you work, it can be hard to listen to music and not distract the colleagues around you. If you work in a quiet office building, you may want to consider loading your favorite tunes on an MP3 player. You can browse the Internet for your favorite songs. Some Internet radio stations also let you build your own playlists which can be downloaded to your MP3 player.

Radio stations on the Internet are a great resource for listening to music while you are studying or being productive at work. There are fewer commercials and fewer interruptions that will break your concentration. A lot of traditional radio programs have too many commercial breaks and sponsor they are obligated to promote. Some shows have frequent interruptions from DJs instead of playing music. Another benefit of listening to the radio online is that you do not have to bring in a radio or boom box that will take up space in your office or dorm room for example.

One of the best advantages of Internet Radio that makes you more productive is that you can easily listen to the type of music you like. Traditional radios only have AM and FM stations that can be difficult to tune into. Radio stations on the Internet can be downloaded from anywhere in the world. If pop music is too distracting, you may find that jazz makes you more productive. You can also find music from all over the world. A lot of people find that the beat from pop or electronic music puts them in a good make which makes them want to work harder.

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Online Audio Advertising - How to Get Started With Audio Marketing For Your Internet Business

If you have decided to add audio advertising to your website, you may be wondering how to get started and what you will need to do to get it done right!

Here are Top 4 Most Important Tips to Keep in Mind When Starting an Online Audio Advertising Campaign:

1-  Use Simple and Inexpensive Equipment (that's all you need!):  It is not difficult to produce audio for your website.  An expensive set-up is really unnecessary.  All you really need is some simple software that you can download online and an inexpensive microphone.

2-  Make it Personal:  The best thing to do for the development and branding of your business website and yourself, would be to record your own voice, however if this makes you uncomfortable, you can always hire someone else as a voice-over.

3-  Make it Clear:  Be sure that the quality of your online audio recording is clear and easy to hear and understand.  A low quality, muffled recording can actually hurt the overall sales from your website, by giving a bad first impression, so be sure that you listen to it and that it sounds clear and just as good as anything else you have heard from other great websites on the internet.

4-  Outsource if Necessary:  Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are not sure of how to record an online audio advertisement yourself, then this is something that you can outsource as well.  There are plenty of talented audio specialists that you can find online to help you out for a relatively low fee.  This can not only save you time and frustration, but ensure that the outcome will be professional and exactly the sort of thing you need to increase the conversion rates of your website.

Online audio advertising is definitely a great way to improve your internet marketing business and if you follow these simple tips, it will be a great way to boost your marketing campaigns and ensure greater success for your business!

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Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings

Taking your business to an above step will require making use of proper promotional techniques. To earn high profits as well as to achieve prospects it is necessary to promote your business in the most effective manner. When we talk about internet marketing one thing that we come across is the audio marketing as there are many cases wherein it has been proved that this method of marketing is very fruitful.

Adopting web marketing approach will help you to attract more customers towards your organization resulting into increase in sales. An improper promotional strategy will not make you increase your business in any way. By proper marketing of the product brand or the business name, you will be able to earn more yields and create higher number of prospective buyers. A good approach of audio promotions will make you earn higher yields in your business as there will be lots of customers visiting your site. In order to carry out an appropriate business campaign, this kind of audio promotions can serve you of great help.

There will be heavy traffic generated on your site by using audio promotions thus giving you more of sales. It is not possible to make profits without apt mode of promotions. In order to earn more benefits and generate higher leads, you should know to carry out your business promotions with firmness. Marketing through audios is one of the unique ways of marketing through web. It is obvious from the fact many web experts are using it on a wide scale. Immense returns and great leads are possible if you know to relate it to your promotional campaigns appropriately.

Moving ahead your business becomes complex if you are not choosing a correct promotional method of advertising. Promoting you goods, services and business with great enthusiasm is one way in which you can earn good profits. Audio marketing is considered as most successful method of marketing strategy and hence it is being used by many organizations. You have boost up your sales by generating good traffic to your webpage and this is possible with audio marketing.

Today several businesses are going for internet promotion strategies so that they can drive large audiences towards their business. It is very crucial that you select the right marketing method through which you can market your business, product or services which will ultimately lead to more sales and more income. Audio marketing is a subdivision of internet marketing which is being utilized by many businesses. If you as a company opt for this kind of marketing technique then there are guaranteed chances that apart from growing you will also be able to increase you profit rates.

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